“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do that by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour.”

I received this quote from one of my desktop background I downloaded. Then I remembered that my mom kept saying this to me all the time when I was worried, in similar way. At church, my pastor have said that we need to stay out of our comfort zone to be able to be more successful. I guess they all are right.

Keep doing things that you usually do will not bring you success will bring you success, but it will keep you stuck in there, you will get bored of keep doing the same things over and over and there’s not much you can learn from it anymore. However, if we do something that we have never done before and learn something new, it will not be disappointed, but it will give us a great great experience in our life.

I am here to fulfill my dreams. My dream is flying around still unsure between here and there. Most people will never be satisfied with what they have now. Once they achieved their goals, they will target higher goals. Developing website is one of my goals, but I don’t feel I have done enough to achieve my dreams. There are still a lot of things out there that need to be learned, but maybe what I am doing now is the stepping stone towards my dreams.

Only God knows.